INICIO > Reuniones de los Estados Parte > 10MSP > What happened > 

Day 5 | Friday 3 December

12.    Evaluation of the Implementation Support Unit

It was recalled that Second Review Conference mandated a task force to oversee an evaluation of the ISU, presenting its final report and recommendations to all States Parties in time for adoption at the 10MSP. The Chair of the Task Force, Ambassador Susan Eckey of Norway, presented the final report and recommendations of the ISU Task Force

  • Final report and recommendations of the ISU Task Force PDF 42KB

The following States Parties shared views regarding the final report of the ISU Task Force and the evaluation of the ISU: Algeria, Canada, Switzerland, Argentina, Australia, Thailand, South Africa, the Netherlands, Tunisia, Brazil, Guatemala, Belgium, Colombia, New Zealand, Germany, Turkey, Mauritania, Japan, Albania, Greece, Palau, Cambodia, Jordan, France, Gambia, Nigeria, Zambia, Croatia, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The meeting endorsed the final report of the ISU Task Force. In doing so, the States Parties (a) mandated the President, in consultation with the States Parties, to conclude an amended agreement with the GICHD regarding the ISU, (b) adopted the “Directive from the States Parties to the ISU” as annexed to the ISU Task Force report, ensuring that the ISU is directly responsible to the States Parties while it continues to be hosted by the GICHD, and, (c) tasked the President to establish an informal open-ended working group to examine new models for the financing of the ISU and present recommendations and draft decisions on the most feasible comprehensive financing model for adoption by the 11MSP, so it may be effective from the financial year 2012. In addition, the States Parties endorsed the President’s Statement on the Endorsement of the ISU Task Force Report, as contained as an annex to the Final Report of the 10MSP.

  • President’s Statement on the Endorsement of the ISU Task Force Report PDF 42KB

11. E(i) Transparency and the Exchange of Information

The 10MSP continued with its thematic discussion on transparency in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention”. The following delegations expressed views or shared information: the ICBL, Iraq, Guatemala, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, Eritrea, Ecuador, South Africa and Kuwait.

11. E(ii) Preventing and Suppressing prohibited Activities and Facilitating Compliance

The 10MSP discussed preventing and suppressing prohibited activities and facilitating compliance in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention”. The following delegations expressed views or shared information: the ICBL, the ICRC, Turkey and Portugal.

11. E(iii) Implementation Support

The 10MSP discussed matters pertaining to implementation support other than matters concerning the ISU Task Force. I was recalled that, at the Second Review Conference, the Coordinating Committee was called upon to review the operation of the Intersessional Work Programme, with the Chair of the Coordinating Committee consulting widely on this matter and presenting a report and, if necessary, recommendations to the 10MSP. The Chair of the Coordinating Committee, Ambassador Susan Eckey of Norway presented the Coordinating Committee’s report and recommendations on the Intersessional Work Programme.

  • Report and recommendations on the Intersessional Work Programme PDF 47KB

The following delegations shared views with respect to the Intersessional Work Programme: the ICRC and the ICBL.

Further to the Coordinating Committee’s report and recommendations on the Intersessional Work Programme, the 10SMP took a series of decisions, including to establish a Standing Committee on Resources, Cooperation and Assistance, to be supported like other mechanisms established by the States Parties by the Implementation Support Unit, and, to be presided over in 2011 by the President of the Tenth Meeting of the States Parties, with the leadership of this Standing Committee being regularised as of the Eleventh Meeting of the States Parties.

In addition, the 10MSP agreed to hold meetings of the Standing Committees in Geneva the week of 20 to 24 June 2010 and to elect Co-Chairs and Co-Rapporteurs to serve from the end of the 10SMP until the end of the 11MSP.

  • 2010-2011 Co-Chairs and Co-Rapporteurs

In addition, during the discussion on implementation support, the Director of the GICHD presented the report on the functioning of the ISU and the Director of the ISU acknowledged the expressions of appreciation for the work of the ISU.

  • Report on the functioning of the ISU PDF 61KB
  • Statement by the Director of the GICHD PDF 310KB

13.    Consideration of Requests submitted under Article 5

The 10MSP took decisions on requests submitted under Article 5 of the Convention for extensions on mine clearance deadlines.

  • Decisions on Chad’s Article 5 extension request PDF 15KB
  • Decisions on Colombia’s Article 5 extension request PDF 15KB
  • Decisions on Denmark’s Article 5 extension request PDF 10KB
  • Decisions on Guinea Bissau’s Article 5 extension request PDF 25KB
  • Decisions on Mauritania’s Article 5 extension request PDF 13KB
  • Decisions on Zimbabwe’s Article 5 extension request PDF 14KB

14.    Consideration of Matters arising from Reports submitted under Article 7

The President indicated that he had not been informed that any State Party wished to take the floor under this item.

15.    Consideration of Requests submitted under Article 8

The President indicated that he had not been informed of any requests submitted under Article 8 of the Convention.

16.   Date, Duration, Location and Presidency of the 11MSP

It was recalled that the Second Review Conference warmly welcomed the offer made by Cambodia to host and preside over the Eleventh Meeting of the States Parties. In this context, the 10MSP agreed with the proposal that His Excellency Prak Sokhonn, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister and Vice-Chair of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, be designated President of the 11MSP, and, that the 11MSP take place in Phnom Penh from 28 November to 2 December 2011. In addition, the meeting adopted cost estimates for the 11MSP.

  • Statement by the President-Designate of the 11MSP
  • Presentation by the 11MSP host country French PDF 109KB
  • Cost estimates for the 11MSP PDF 25KB

17.    Any other Business

The ICBL and Austria delivered statements marking International Day for Persons with Disabilities. In addition, during the course of the final day, Benin and Croatia delivered statements of a general nature.

18.    Consideration and Adoption of the final Report

The meeting adopted its final report and, in doing so, warmly welcomed the Geneva Progress Report 2009-2010.

19.    Closure of the 10MSP

The President of the 10MSP delivered his closing remarks.

  • Statement by the 10MSP President PDF 46KB