INICIO > Reuniones de los Estados Parte > 10MSP > What happened > 

Day 4 | Thursday 2 December

11.    B– Clearing  Mined Areas

The 10MSP continued with its thematic discussion on clearing mined areas in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention.  The outgoing Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Mine Clearance (Greece and Nigeria) shared some reflections on the pursuit of the Convention’s aim of clearing all mined areas.

  • Statement by the Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Mine Clearance PDF 159KB

The following State Party that had been granted a request for an extension on its mine clearance deadline at a previous meeting provided an update: Thailand.

  • Thailand

The following other States Parties that are in the process of implementing Article 5 provided updates: Algeria, Cyprus, Nigeria, Angola, Chile, Burundi, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Serbia, Colombia, Gambia, Iraq and Sudan.

The following delegations shared views or exchanged information on mine clearance: Australia, Palau, the GICHD, the ICRC, the ICBL, Norway, UNMAS, Sudan and Kuwait.

11.    C– Destroying Stockpiled Anti-Personnel Mines

The 10MSP continued with its thematic discussion on stockpile destruction in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention. The following States Parties that are in the process of implementing Article 4 provided updates: Belarus, Greece, Turkey and Ukraine. In addition, Bulgaria provided an update as concerns its role in the destruction of stockpiled anti-personnel mines by Greece.

The following delegations shared views or exchanged information on stockpile destruction: the ICBL, the ICRC, Germany, Norway, Australia and Ireland.

11.    D – Universalization

The 10MSP continued with its thematic discussion on universalization in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention. The topic was introduced by Canada in its capacity as Coordinator of the informal Universalization Contact Group. This was followed by a report by His Royal Highness Prince Mired Raad Al Hussein of Jordan on his activities as the President’s Special Envoy on the Universalization of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

  • Statement by the Coordinator of the Universalization Contact Group PDF 90KB
  • Statement by the President’s Special Envoy on Universalization PDF 186KB

Following the statement by H.R.H. Prince Mired of Jordan, the President of the 10MSP announced that he had asked Prince Mired to continue his efforts in 2011 as Special Envoy on the Universalization and Implementation of the Convention, and, that he would join forces with Prince Mired in carrying out universalization efforts in 2011.

The following States not parties shared views or provided updates on steps they are taking to proceed with accession to the Convention: Mongolia, the United States of America, Poland, Russia, the Lao PDR and Nepal.

The following delegations shared views or exchanged information on universalization: Japan, Palau, Australia, the ICBL, the ICRC and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (on behalf of the UN Mine Action Team).

11.    E(i ) – Transparency and the Exchange of Information

The 10MSP continued with its thematic discussion on transparency in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention”. Belgium, in its capacity as Coordinator of the informal Article 7 Contact Group, presented a paper which highlighted the importance of further discussions on a number of matters concerning the Convention’s transparency provisions and the reporting process.

  • Discussion paper on transparency reporting
  • Belgium PDF 20KB

The following delegation expressed views on the matter of transparency and the exchange of information: the ICBL.

  • ICBL