INICIO > Reuniones de los Estados Parte > 18MSP > 

What was the 18MSP and why was it important?

The Eighteenth Meeting of the States Parties (18MSP) was a formal meeting of the 164 States Parties to the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. The 18MSP was held in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention and pursuant to decisions of the 2019 Fourth Review Conference of the States Parties.

The 18MSP was presided over by Sudan 

The 18MSP was the first opportunity for the States Parties to assess progress in achieving the aims of the Oslo Action Plan adopted at the 2019 Fourth Review Conference. In this respect the 18MSP took stock of the current status of implementation of the Convention and established a baseline for the implementation of the Oslo Action Plan for years to come. 

During the 18MSP, States Parties and others had the opportunity to highlight their achievements and challenges in implementing the key objectives of the Convention and their Oslo Action Plan commitments.