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How can delegations prepare and register for the 17MSP?

Information for participants

  • Information for 17MSP participants

Informal Preparatory Meeting 

An informal preparatory meeting was held in Geneva by the President on Wednesday 18 September from 15:00 to 17:00 at the Palais des Nations, Council Chamber.

Notification of the 17MSP

The 16MSP agreed that the 17MSP would take place the week of 26 to 30 November 2018 in Geneva. 

Official notification of the 17MSP was provided to all States Parties and States not party by the Convention’s depository (i.e., the UN Secretary General) on 25 January 2018 through a note verbale provided to all Permanent Missions in New York. Official notification was also provided by the depository to relevant organisations.

Note verbale from the UN Secretary General


In accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, States Parties present at the 17MSP are considered “Participants”. Other States may attend as “Observers”. Also according to Article 11 of the Convention and the rules of procedure for Meetings of the States Parties, relevant international organisations or institutions and regional organisations may attend and participate as “Observers”.

Other organisations may request to attend as “Observers”, subject to approval of the Conference. In considering whether to recommend such requests, the Convention’s Coordinating Committee will take into consideration criteria such as whether the proposed observer is a non-profit entity and whether its purpose and activities are consistent with the object and purpose of the Convention.

In addition, according to the rules of procedure, the 17MSP will be held in public, implying that the event is open to the media and that interested individuals may witness the proceedings from the public gallery.

Registration and United Nations Grounds Passes

Registration involves the following steps:

(1) Each delegation must officially notify the Executive Secretary of the 17MSP of the composition of its delegation to the following aplc(at) or (fax:+41 22 917 00 34) by 16 November 2018; and,

(2) Each delegate must have a valid grounds pass to enter the Palais des Nations. Participants already possessing a UN grounds pass may proceed directly to the meeting room.

If you do not already have a UN grounds pass, you need to register for the 17MSP in the online Indico system.

If you already have an account in Indico, you can go directly to the 17MSP online registration page.

Please note that you will need to attach the note verbale or letter including your name on the list of your delegation as a mandatory document for registering online. Participants will receive an e-mail confirming their registration.

Once a registration is approved in Indico, the participant is notified automatically and can pick up her/his badge from the Pass and Identification Unit, which is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Pregny Gate of the Palais