INICIO > Reuniones de los Estados Parte > 15MSP > 

What is the 15MSP and why is it important?

The 15MSP was a formal meeting of the 162 States which are parties to the 1997 Convention on the prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. It was held in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention and pursuant to decisions of the 2015 Fourteenth Meeting of the States Parties (14MSP).

The 15MSP gathered together States Parties and not party to the Convention, interested organisations and members of civil society to assess progress in implementing the Convention’s obligations and discuss how to ensure the promise of a world free of mines is fulfilled. It allowed States Parties to highlight their achievements in implementing their Maputo Action Plan commitments. 

Chile sees the Convention as a cornerstone of international human rights, disarmament, and human security. Chile, as well as the other 161 States Parties, have committed to work for the prohibition of all activities related to anti-personnel mines, with the aim of protecting their national populations, and also, work towards increased global human security. The meeting provided the opportunity to outline the next steps to achieve a world free of anti-personnel mines.