INICIO > Reuniones de los Estados Parte > 15MSP > What happened at the 15MSP? > 

Day 3 | Tuesday 29 November

9. Informal presentation of requests submitted under Article 5 (continued)

The following delegation shared views with respect to the request submitted by Ecuador: the ICBL.

The following delegation made a general statement on the requests submitted under Article 5: the ICBL.

The following State Party which had indicated that it would present a request for extension of its Article 5 deadline made a statement: Ukraine.

The following delegations shared views with respect to the statement made by Ukraine: Zambia and the ICBL.


8. General exchange of views (continued)

The following State Party took the floor to deliver general statements: Iraq The following States Parties provided its general statement in written form: Spain and South Africa. The following States not party to the Convention delivered general statements: China, India, Morocco and Palestine. The following organisations delivered general statements: ITF and MAG.


10. Consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention

10.a. Assisting the victims: Conclusions and Recommendations related to the mandate of the Committee on Victim Assistance

The Chair of the Committee on Victim Assistance presented conclusions and recommendations related to the Committee’s mandate.

  • Conclusions of the Committee on Victim Assistance PDF 369KB

The following States Parties that have indicated that they are responsible for significant numbers of landmine survivors provided updates on steps they have taken to implement Actions #12 through #18 of the Maputo Action Plan: Afghanistan, Jordan, Cambodia, Sudan, Thailand, Croatia, Colombia, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tajikistan, Iraq and Peru.

The following other delegations shared views or information on matters concerning victim assistance: Australia, the European Union, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Slovenia, Costa Rica, Japan, Brazil, the ICBL, UNMAS and Greece.

In addition, the Chair of the Committee on Victim Assistance delivered closing remarks.

10.b. Clearing mined areas: Conclusions and Recommendations related to the mandate of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation

The Chair of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation presented conclusions and recommendations related to the Committee’s mandate.

  • Conclusions of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation PDF 489KB 

Algeria declared that it was nearing completion of the Convention's Article 5 mine clearance obligations.

The following States Parties which are still in the process of clearing mined areas provided updates on steps taken to implement Actions #8 through #11 of the Maputo Action Plan: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Argentina, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritania, United Kingdom, Colombia, Chile, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Croatia, Cambodia, Serbia, Yemen, Angola and Sudan.

The following other delegations shared views or information on matters concerning Article 5: Norway, Costa Rica, Switzerland and Uganda.

The following States Parties exerted their right of reply: Argentina and the United Kingdom.