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What was the 13MSP and why was it important ?

The 13MSP was a formal meeting of the 161 States which have accepted the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction. It was held in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention and pursuant to the decisions of the 2009 Second Review Conference and the 2012 Twelfth Meeting of the States Parties (12MSP).

The 13MSP was important because it was the last annual assessment of the application of the Cartagena Action Plan 2010-2014 prior to Convention’s Third Review Conference in 2014. This assessment of challenges encountered and work that remains to be done was recorded in the 13MSP’s Geneva Progress Report.

The 13MSP took place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. It was presided over by H.E. Boudjemâa Delmi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations (Geneva).