10f. Consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention:  Cooperation and Assistance

The following delegations shared views and information on cooperation and assistance: Austria, Brazil, Switzerland, Colombia, Australia, Algeria, Japan, the African Union, the GICHD, UNMAS on behalf of the IACG-MA, the ITF, the ICBL and the ICRC.


10g. Consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention:  Transparency and the exchange of information

The Coordinator of the informal Article 7 Contact Group (Belgium) presented a paper entitled “Roadmap for a better reporting and exchange of information.”

  • Roadmap for a better reporting and exchange of information PDF 317KB

The following delegations shared information and views and concerns transparency in implementation: Germany, Turkey, Palau, Slovenia, UNMAS on behalf of the IACG-MA, the ICRC and the ICBL.


10h. Consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention: Preventing and suppressing prohibited activities and facilitating compliance

The Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on the General Status and Operation of the Convention (Norway and Peru) provided an update on matters concerning compliance.

The following delegations shared information and views on preventing and suppressing prohibited activities and facilitating compliance: the ICRC, Afghanistan and the ICBL.


11. Consideration of requests submitted under Article 5 of the Convention

The meeting took decisions on requests for extensions of mine clearance deadlines which had been submitted by Afghanistan, Angola, Cyprus and Zimbabwe.

12. Matters arising form / in the context of reports submitted under Article 7

No delegation took the floor under this agenda item.

13. Consideration of requests submitted under Article 8

No delegation took the floor under this agenda item.

14. Date, duration and location of the Thirteenth Meeting of the States Parties, and matters pertaining to the preparations for the Thirteenth Meeting

The 12MSP agreed to hold the 13MSP in Geneva the week of 2 December 2013.

The President informed the meeting that, with respect to the 13MSP presidency, two States Parties – Algeria and Belgium had expressed interest in taking on the presidency. In this context, the meeting agreed to mandate the 12MSP President to continue consultations with States Parties with a view to proposing, by the end of February 2013, a candidate to be designated to preside over the 13MSP. The President indicated that it was his intention to proceed in an open and transparent manner, including by convening an informal meeting by the end of February 2013 to discuss my proposal with you.

The meeting also noted with appreciation the offer by Mozambique to host and preside over the Third Review Conference in 2014.

The meeting adopted cost estimates for the 13MSP and for preparation activities for the Third Review Conference.

15. Any other business

No delegation took the floor under this agenda item.

16. Adoption of the final document

The meeting adopted the final report of the 12MSP and, in doing so, warmly welcomed the Geneva Progress Report.

17. Closure of the 12MSP

The 12MSP President delivered closing remarks.