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How did delegations prepare for the 10MSP ?

General exchange of views

In keeping with the practices used at previous meetings, and given the need for ample time to be made available to discuss Article 5 extension requests and the ISU evaluation, the 10MSP President-Designate has discouraged delegations from delivering statements of a general nature. In lieu of delivering general oral statements, delegations, may, if they wish, distribute written statements.

Article 5 extension requests

Requesting States Parties should prepare presentations on the key aspects of their extension requests. These presentations will be followed by the President of the Second Review Conference presenting an analysis of each request.

Second Review Conference President Susan Eckey of Norway will present analyses of requests for extensions of mine clearance deadlines.

All delegations will have a chance to ask questions and make comments on the requests. (The actual formal consideration of the requests will take place on Friday 3 December.) To prepare for this item, delegations may wish to review the requests that have been submitted.

International cooperation and assistance

The 10MSP will feature a discussion in follow up to the 25 June 2010 Special Session on International Cooperation and Assistance. To prepare for this item, delegations may wish to review the background papers that were prepared for the June session, the relevant portions of the draft Geneva Progress Report 2009-2010, and any additional papers that may be prepared on this matter in advance of the 10MSP.

Assisting the victims

States Parties that have indicated that they are responsible for significant numbers of landmine survivors, may wish to consider providing brief updates on steps they have taken to apply actions #23 through #33 of the Cartagena Action Plan.

All delegations may wish to review the relevant portions of the draft Geneva Progress Report 2009-2010.

Clearing mined areas

States Parties, that have been granted an extension to their initial mine clearance deadlines, may wish to provide brief updates on how they are proceeding with implementation, in accordance with the commitments made in their extension requests and the decisions taken on their requests.

All States Parties, that are continuing to implement Article 5 of the Convention, may wish to provide brief updates on steps they have taken to apply actions #14 through #20 of the Cartagena Action Plan.

All delegations may wish to review the relevant portions of the draft Geneva Progress Report 2009-2010.

Destroying stockpiled anti-personnel mines

States Parties that have missed their deadlines for completion of stockpile destruction obligations under Article 4 of the Convention may wish to provide brief updates on steps they have taken to apply actions #7 through #9 of the Cartagena Action Plan.

All delegations may wish to review the relevant portions of the draft Geneva Progress Report 2009-2010.

Universalising the Convention

States not parties may wish to provide updates on steps they are taking towards accession to the Convention.

States Parties and others may wish to provide brief updates on steps they have taken to apply actions #1 through #6 of the Cartagena Action Plan.

Evaluation of the Implementation Support Unit

States Parties may wish to review the outcomes of the work of the ISU Task Force and the final report of the independent consultant engaged to evaluate the ISU.