Page d'accueil > Programme de travail intersessions > June 2011 > 

Victim Assistance and Socio-Economic Reintegration


1. Opening of the meeting

The meeting was opened by its Co-Chairs, Philip Kimpton of Australia and Herbert Baryayebwa of Uganda. The Co-Chairs were supported by their Co-Rapporteurs, Hamza Khélif of Algeria and Hrvoje Debac of Croatia. In opening the meeting, the Co-Chairs delivered a statement in which in part they recalled the fundamental understandings that have been agreed to by the States Parties concerning “victim assistance”.


2. Update from relevant States Parties on efforts to apply the victim assistance aspects of the Cartagena Action Plan at the national level

The Co-Chairs provided an opportunity by those States Parties that have indicated that they hold the responsibility to provide for the well-being of significant numbers of landmine survivors, noting that these States Parties had been asked to respond to the following three questions: Since the 10MSP, what has your State done at the national level to raise awareness on the Cartagena Action Plan? Has further progress been made on any specific actions in the Cartagena Action Plan? And, what plans does your State have to ensure the application of the VA provisions contained within the Cartagena Action Plan?

The following States Parties with the responsibility to provide for the well-being of significant numbers of landmine survivors provided updates: Afghanistan, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Cambodia, Chad, Burundi, Croatia, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, El Salvador, Thailand, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Ethiopia, Jordan, Iraq, Tajikistan, Angola and, Peru. In response to many of these updates, the ICBL shared views. In addition, one State not party – Morocco – provided an update on matters concerning assisting the victims.


3. Updates from and views of other States Parties and other actors on efforts to apply the victim assistance aspects of the Cartagena Action Plan

The Co-Chairs provided an opportunity for updates on other developments and initiatives in support of the victim assistance aspects of the Cartagena Action Plan. The following delegations provided updates or shared views: Norway, Australia, the ICBL and Turkey.

4. The World Report on Disability and its relationship to the AP Mine Ban Convention

The Co-Chairs noted that, in response to the need for better research and data on disability, the WHO and World Bank have been working on global report on disability for the past five years. The Co-Charis notes that this report, which was launched on 9 June, should be of great interest to the States Parties as it explores evidence about discrimination and barriers, identifies need, and provides an analysis of what works to improve the lives of people with disabilities in the areas of health, rehabilitation, support services, information, infrastructure, transportation, education and employment.

The Co-Chairs called upon Dr. Tom Shakespeare of the World Health Organization (WHO) to present the World Report on Disability to the Standing Committee. Following Dr. Shakespeare’s presentation, the following delegations shared views: Mexico, New Zealand, the ICBL, Norway, El Salvador, the ISU, the 10MSP President and Australia.


5. Closing remarks

The Co-Chairs closed the meeting of the Standing Committee on Victim Assistance be delivering some final remarks.


A focus on national contexts and other ways to support the application of the Cartagena Action Plan

The Co-Chairs recalled that, at the 10MSP, the States Parties requested the Coordinating Committee to allocate time during the week of meetings for Co-Chairs and others to experiment with new ways to more intensively focus on national contexts or to otherwise support progress in the application of the Cartagena Action Plan. Pursuant to this decision, the Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Victim Assistance organized two small group discussions that were intended to focus on and assist two States Parties – Afghanistan and Uganda – in applying the victim assistance aspects of the Cartagena Action Plan.