• Victim Assistance
INICIO > Programa de trabajo intersesional > Dec. 2000 > Victim Assistance > 

Final Agenda

Co-Chairs: Japan and Nicaragua
Rapporteurs: Canada and Honduras

9h00 Coffee served

09h30 Welcome and introduction

09h45 Linking resources with needs

  • Analysing "needs" with respect to lessons provided from data that have been collected and an identification of further data gaps.
    (Kerry Brinkert, Mine Action Team, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada)
  • Analysing "resources" in terms of asking what is known about resources for victim assistance and their application.
    (Akiko Ikeda, United Nations Mine Action Service)
  • Analysing "matching tools," in particular to follow-up on work undertaken to disseminate the program portfolio documents and on guidance to States in completing the Article 7 Report’s "Form J."
    (TBC, International Campaign to Ban Landmines)

11:00 Coffee Break

11:15 Coordination

  • Enhancing national coordination mechanisms -- i.e., coordination by a mine-affected country of its resources and institutions.
    (Helen Pitt, Disability Action Council, Cambodia)
    (TBC, official from Bosnia)
  • Enhancing coordination between national coordination mechanisms and various other actors within a mine-affected country.
    (Peter Coleridge or Farooq Wardak, UNDP Comprehensive Disabled Afghan Program)
  • Enhancing coordination at the international level: The role of UNMAS
    (Akiko Ikeda, United Nations Mine Action Service)

13:00 Lunch

15:00 Raising the voices of landmine victims

  • Ensuring that the views of landmine victims are effectively heard in matters that affect them.
    (Jerry White Landmine Survivors Network)
    (Son Song Hak, Cambodian Disabled Peoples Organization)
    (Beckie Jordan, Landmine Survivors Network)

16:46 Coffee Break

17:00 Guidelines, Information Dissemination and Information Management

  • Assessing and improving victim assistance information.
    (Beckie Jordan, Landmine Survivors Network)
    (TBA, Physicians for Human Rights)
    (Akiko Ikeda, United Nations Mine Action Service)
  • Identifying focal points.
  • Disseminating guidelines.

18:00 Adjournment

Tuesday, December 5

9:00 Coffee served.

09:30 Social and Economic Reintegration

  • Understanding programming to support social and economic reintegration.
    (Dr. Enrique Pupulin, Rehabilitation Section, World Health Organization)
    (Margaret Arach Orech, Associazione Volontari per Il Servizio Internazionale, Uganda)
    (Col. Talerngpan Chiewvej, Thailand Mine Action Centre)
    (TBC, Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction, International Labour Office)

11:00 Coffee

11:15 Mine Awareness

  • Matching resources with needs.
    (Stuart Maslen, Landmine Monitor author on Mine Awareness)
  • Implementing mine awareness guidelines.
  • Evaluating mine awareness programs.
    (TBC, CIET Canada)

12:45 Co-Chairs’ Closing Remarks

13:00 Adjournment