11. Consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention

11.a. Assisting the victims: Conclusions and Recommendations related to the mandate of the Committee on Victim Assistance (continued)

The following other delegations shared views or information on matters concerning victim assistance: Ireland, Italy, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, Belgium, Japan, ICBL and UNICEF on behalf of the United Nations IACG-MA.  


11.b. Clearing mined areas: Conclusions and Recommendations related to the mandate of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation

The Chair of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation presented conclusions and recommendations related to the Committee’s mandate.

Algeria declared that it had completed its Convention's Article 5 mine clearance obligations.

  • Declaration of completion submitted by Algeria PDF 430KB

The following States Parties which are still in the process of clearing mined areas provided updates on steps taken to implement Actions #8 through #11 of the Maputo Action Plan: Serbia, Croatia, Mauritania, Thailand, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia, Colombia, Chile, United Kingdom, Argentina, Sudan, Chad, Cambodia, South Sudan, Niger, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Peru, Turkey, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

The following other delegations shared views or information on matters concerning Article 5: Jordan, Norway, New Zealand, Canada, European Union, Austria, Netherlands, Palestine, ICRC, ICBL, ITF, UNMAS on behalf of IACG-MA, GICHD and MAG.

In addition, the Chair of the Committee on Article 5 implementation delivered closing remarks.


11.c. Cooperation and Assistance: Conclusions and recommendations related to the mandate of the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance

The Chair of the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance presented conclusions and recommendations related to the Committee’s mandate.

  • Conclusions and Recommendations of the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance PDF 394KB

The following delegations commented on steps they have taken to implement Actions #19 through #24 of the Maputo Action Plan: European Union, Finland, Japan, Peru, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Croatia, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Estonia, Turkey, Austria, Italy, France, Iraq, Thailand, Colombia and Sudan.