2. Operation and status of the Convention 

2.c Conclusions and recommendations related to the mandate of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation

Informal presentation of requests submitted under Article 5 and of the analysis of these requests (continued)

Niger presented its request for an extended mine clearance deadline and the Chair of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation presented the analysis of this request. The following delegation shared views with respect to this request: ICBL.

Senegal presented its request for an extended mine clearance deadline and the Chair of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation presented the analysis of this request. The following delegation shared views with respect to this request: ICBL.

The following delegations made general statements on the requests submitted under Article 5: Norway, Poland (in its capacity as Chair of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation), the ICRC, Switzerland, Senegal and France.


2.c Conclusions and recommendations related to the mandate of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation

The Chair of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation presented conclusions and recommendations related to the Committee’s mandate.

  • Report and Conclusions of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation PDF 1.9MB

Mozambique declared completion of the Convention's Article 5 mine clearance obligations.

The following States Parties which are still in the process of clearing mined areas provided updates on steps taken to implement Actions #8 through #11 of the Maputo Action Plan: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yemen, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Algeria, Sudan, Argentina, Croatia, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Colombia, Chile, Iraq, Tajikistan, Serbia, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Thailand, Chad, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ecuador and Peru.

The following other delegations shared views or information on matters concerning Article 5: The Netherlands, Ireland, Ukraine, China, ITF Enhancing Human Security, UNMAS, the GICHD and the ICBL.


2.a Universalization

The President provided an update on the status of universalization of the Convention.

The following delegations shared views or information on matters concerning universalization: United States of America, Sri Lanka, European Union, Slovenia, Austria, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Croatia, UNMAS and the ICBL.