INICIO > Reuniones de los Estados Parte > 10MSP > What happened > 

Day 3 | Wednesday 1 December

11.    A – Assisting the Victims

The 10MSP continued thematic discussions in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention, taking up the matter of assisting the victims. Turkey, which along with Peru, served as Co-Chair of the Standing Committee on Victim Assistance, shared some reflections on victim assistance in the context of the Conventi

  • Statement by the Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Victim Assistance PDF 55KB

The following States Parties that have indicated that they are responsible for significant numbers of landmine survivors provided updates on their efforts: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sudan, Cambodia, Thailand, Albania, Iraq, Afghanistan, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Serbia, Tajikistan, Jordan, Nicaragua, Colombia, Burundi, Angola, Croatia, Ethiopia, Peru and Mozambique.

The following delegations shared views or exchanged information on the matter of victim assistance: Australia, the ICRC, Mexico, Norway, Slovenia, Guatemala, France, the ICBL, UNMAS, Switzerland, Uganda and Nigeria.


11.    B– Clearing  Mined Areas

The 10MSP continued with its thematic discussion on clearing mined areas in accordance with the meeting’s “consideration of the general status and operation of the Convention. The following States Parties that had been granted request for extensions on mine clearance deadlines at previous meetings provided updates: Senegal, Uganda, the United Kingdom and Venezuela.

The following other States Parties that are in the process of implementing Article 5 provided updates: Turkey and Denmark.

  • Turkey
  • Denmark