Page d'accueil > Assemblées des États parties > 11MSP > What happened > 

Day 3 | Tuesday 29 November

10.A    Assisting the victims

Australia, one of the two outgoing Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Victim Assistance (along with Uganda) provided an overview of the status of victim assistance and steps taken by the Co-Chairs in 2011.

The following States Parties which have reported the responsibility for significant numbers of landmine survivors provided updates on their efforts: Sudan, Afghanistan, Serbia, Cambodia, Albania, Colombia, Tajikistan, Uganda, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Guinea Bissau, Iraq, Jordan, Thailand, Peru, Chad, Yemen, Senegal, Burundi and Eritrea.

The following other delegations provided update or shared views on assisting the victims: South Africa, the ICRC, the UN Mine Action Team, the ICBL and Australia.


8.     General exchange of views

The meeting returned to the general exchange of views. The following States Parties delivered statements: Italy, the Holy See, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Portugal. The following State Party provided a written statement: Fiji.

The following States not parties delivered statements: China, Myanmar and India. In addition, the following organisations delivered statements: the ICBL and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

10.B    Clearing mined areas

Switzerland, one of the two outgoing Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Mine Clearance (along with Colombia), provided an overview of the status of mine clearance implementation and steps taken by the Co-Chairs in 2011.

The following two States Parties declared completion of the implementation of the Convention’s mine clearance obligations: Burundi and Nigeria.

The following States Parties that have previously been granted an extension on Article 5 mine clearance deadlines provided updates: Guinea Bissau, Jordan, Denmark, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Chad.