20 April 2011
To: | The Permanent Missions to the United Nations of the States Parties to the ConventionThe Permanent Missions to the United Nations of the States not parties to the Convention Interested non-governmental and international organizations |
Excellencies, dear friends,
On behalf of the Co-Chairs of the Standing Committees established by the Convention’s States Parties, it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Convention’s 2011 Intersessional Work Programme as follows:
Meetings of the Standing Committees
20-24 June 2011
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)
Avenue de la Paix 7bis (WMO Building), Geneva
These meetings will provide the second opportunity following the Second Review Conference to discuss the application of the Cartagena Action Plan 2010-2014. As such, they are intended to further build upon the momentum of Cartagena where the States Parties agreed to undertake 67 concrete actions “in support of enhanced implementation and promotion of the Convention” and pledged “to translate this action plan into sustainable progress.”
In addition to the regular work of the four Standing Committees, the week of 20-24 June will also feature the following enhancements to the Intersessional Work Programme pursuant to decisions that were taken at the 2010 Tenth Meeting of the States Parties:
- The new Standing Committee on Resources, Cooperation and Assistance will meet for the first time, with a half-day meeting scheduled for 24 June.
- Time has been set aside on 23 June to experiment with new ways of carrying out the work of the Standing Committees. This will feature three concurrent informal small group meetings that will see the Convention’s traditional spirit of partnership and cooperation channelled to focus on particular national contexts or on otherwise advancing the aims of the Cartagena Action Plan.
In keeping with past practice, the Co-Chairs wish to again emphasise the importance of participation by States Parties that are in the process of clearing mined areas, destroying stockpiled mines, assisting survivors or implementing other aspects of the Convention. As in the past, these States Parties are encouraged to provide brief updates on the basis of questions posed by Co-Chairs.
Also in keeping with past practice, the programme does not incorporate a general exchange of views. With a new fifth Standing Committee, it is more important than ever before that we get down to work the morning of 20 June, focusing on key aspects of implementation at that time and throughout the week.
We would kindly ask that you register for the June meetings on-line at old.apminebanconvention.org by 13 June 2011. Should you have any questions about the agendas or if you wish to indicate in advance your intention to intervene on particular items, please contact the Implementation Support Unit (isu@apminebanconvention.org) or relevant Co-Chairs.
We look forward to seeing you in June.
Yours sincerely,
H.E. Gazmend Turdiu Secrecretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania and President of the Tenth Meeting of the States Parties |  | Stephan Husy Ambassador and Director of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining |