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Article 5 Committee Chair addresses CCW Protocol II on mines of an improvised nature


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Geneva - On 29 September 2020 Canada, as Chair of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation, addressed the Meeting of Experts of the High Contracting Parties to the Amended Protocol II of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), highlighting developments under the AP Mine Ban Convention related to anti-personnel mines of an improvised nature.

The Committee Chair, Jérôme Collard-Proulx, Second Secretary, Disarmament, Peace and Security of Canada speaking for the Committee said,

"Victim-activated IEDs that can incapacitate, injure or kill one or more persons, even if they are meant to target a vehicle, do fall under the scope of the AP Mine Ban Convention. It does not matter whether they are home-made or industrially manufactured."

The Chair also reiterated the importance of addressing anti-personnel mines of an improvised nature within framework of the Convention and highlighted recent developments in the Convention related to anti-personnel mines of an improvised nature, namely Action #21 of the Oslo Action Plan, encouraging States Parties to provide clear and disaggregated reporting in their Article 7 transparency reports.

"The Committee would like to underscore the importance of States Parties to the AP Mine Ban Convention reporting on improvised anti-personnel mines specifically, even if they are party to the APII. The Conventions are complementary indeed, but they also impose different obligations on the States Parties."

Find the full statement above, including the video of the session.

For more information contact, isu(at)apminebanconvention.org