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On Convention anniversary, Afghanistan calls for full acceptance of landmine ban in Asia


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Geneva – On the occasion of the nineteenth anniversary of the entry into force of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, Afghanistan as Chair, is calling on all States in South and Central Asia that have not yet done so, to join the international movement seeking an end to the suffering and casualties caused by anti-personnel mines.

“The remarkable achievements attained by the international community that we celebrate today are an indication that our legacy for future generations could be that of achieving a world free from the dangers caused by anti-personnel mines. Meeting this ambition will require the continued and firm determination of all the States Parties to the Convention to meet their obligations, and the will of those States that have not yet joined to meet us on the right side of history,” said H.E. Suraya Dalil, Ambassador of Afghanistan to Switzerland and the UN in Geneva and current President of the Convention.

Thirty-three (33) States have not yet joined the Convention which has been adopted by the rest of the world’s States. “As Chair of the Convention, Afghanistan has prioritized the promotion of the treaty and its norms in South and Central Asia. Afghanistan can serve as example that adopting the Convention does not go counter to a State’s national security needs,” said the Ambassador.

“This Convention is not solely about clearing mined areas but protecting and ensuring that those who have suffered as a result of a landmine explosion live dignified lives and are able to exercise their rights on an equal basis to other citizens.”


    Deminers in Bulgaria, which completed
its Article 5 obligation in 2002.
29 States have reported significant
numbers of landmine survivors.

About the Convention

The Convention was adopted in Oslo in 1997, opened for signature in Ottawa the same year and entered into force on 1 March 1999. To date, 164 States have agreed to ban the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of these weapons, engaged to ensure their destruction and assist the victims. Together the States Parties have destroyed over 51 million landmines, 30 of 61 States Parties that have reported mined areas under their jurisdiction or control have indicated that they have fulfilled their clearance obligations.

The 2018 intersessional meetings will be held on 7-8 June at the WMO building in Geneva, followed by the Seventeenth Meeting of the States Parties from 26 to 30 November at the UN Office in Geneva.

Contact press@apminebanconvention.org for more information.