1. Opening of the Second Preparatory MeetingThe meeting was opened and presided over by the President-Designate of the Third Review Conference, H.E. Henrique Banze, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mozambique. 2. Adoption of an agenda for the Second Preparatory MeetingThe meeting adopted its agenda.
3. Recommendation of a draft Agenda and Provisional Programme of Work for the Third Review ConferenceThe meeting recommended the draft agenda and provisional programme of work for the Third Review Conference.
4. Exchange of views on the draft review of the operation and status of the Convention 2010-2014The Implementation Support Unit provided an update on the preparation of the draft review of the operation and status of the Convention 2010-2014.
5. Exchange of views on the draft Maputo Action PlanThe Permanent Representative of Mozambique, on behalf of the President-Designate, introduced the draft Maputo Action Plan.
The following delegations shared views on the draft Maputo Action Plan: Algeria, Portugal, Norway, European Union, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Australia, Belarus, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Thailand, Brazil, UNMAS, Switzerland, the ICRC, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Greece, Mexico, Turkey, Ghana, the ICBL, Angola, Japan, Spain, Croatia, Zambia and Argentina.
6. Exchange of views on proposed post-Third Review Conference machinery and meetingsThe Permanent Representative of Mozambique, on behalf of the President-Designate, introduced the proposal for a meeting programme and related implementation machinery, 2014-2019.
The following delegations shared views on the proposal: France, Belgium, the European Union, Algeria, Costa Rica, Austria, the Netherlands, Canada, Spain, Germany, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belarus, Slovenia, Australia, Portugal, Norway, UNMAS, Brazil, Sweden, the ICRC, the ICBL, Japan, Croatia, Turkey, Thailand and Colombia.
7. Exchange of views on a political declaration to be adopted at the Third Review ConferenceThe Permanent Representative of Mozambique, on behalf of the President-Designate, introduced a draft political declaration, which would be put forward for adoption at the Third Review Conference.
The following delegations shared views on the draft declaration: the European Union, UNMAS, Thailand, Colombia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe and Mexico. 8. Updates on logistical and administrative mattersThe delegation of Mozambique provided an update on organizational matters related to the Third Review Conference.
9. Other matters10. Consideration and adoption of a procedural report of the Second Preparatory MeetingThe meeting adopted its report.