Read the full report of the meeting here| PDF 175KBPhotos of the Coordinating Committee meeting on Flickr.The Convention’s four new committees, which were established by the States Parties at their June 2014 Maputo Review Conference, are well on their way to fulfilling their mandates.
Photo at left, The United Nations is represented at meetings of the Coordinating Committee by the Geneva Branch of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.Members of the Committee on Victim Assistance noted that they had prepared a conceptual tool for States Parties to communicate information and will present this tool at a briefing on 24 November 2014. Members of the Committee on Article 5 Implementation indicated that they will give due regard to all States Parties that are in the process of implementing Article 5, emphasise the States Parties’ embrace of completion by 2025 as found in the Maputo Declaration, and use the timing of the Fourth Review Conference in 2019 as a means to motivate more States Parties to complete implementation by that time. Members of the Committee on the Enhancement of Cooperation and Assistance indicated that they have established three goals and a number of related objectives. Photo at right, Australia, in its capacity as Coordinator of the Convention’s informal sponsorship programme, updated the Coordinating Committee on sponsorship activities in 2014.Members of the Committee on Cooperative Compliance indicated that the Committee will engage three States Parties where there are recorded credible cases of compliance that warrant further follow-up. The Coordinating Committee took note of the serious financial situation facing the ISU, after the Implementation Support Unit reported that a total of approximately CHF 372,000 are still required to fund the ISU in 2014. The Chair indicated his commitment to carry-out various actions to mobilise resources and called upon Members of the Coordinating Committee, whom have been elected to positions of leadership, to lead by example in funding the ISU. For press inquiries, contact: Laila Rodriguez, press@apminebanconvention.org, +41 (0) 22 730 9350. Find the Convention on Facebook, Flickr and Twitter. |