On 14 September 2003, the Thailand Mine Action Centre (TMAC) hosted a field visit for 5MSP delegates to demining sites in Baan Nong Ya Kaew, Sa Kaew Province, located near the Thai-Cambodian border. Delegates witnessed demonstrations by TMAC's First Humanitarian Demining Unit and the Japan Alliance for Humanitarian Demining Support (JAHDS).
 Major General Gitti Suksomstarn, Director General of TMAC, briefs delegates prior to departure from Bangkok to Wattana Nakhon Airfield in eastern Thailand.
 Deminers from TMAC's First Humanitarian Demining Unit prepare to demonstrate their work to 5MSP delegates.
 GICHD Operations Director, Ian Mansfield, and JAHDS Executive Director, Hiroshi Tomita, stand in front of Angkor Sdok Kok Thom, the 700-year-old temple which will be free of mines by the end of 2003.
 JAHDS deminers welcome delegates at the Angkor Sdok Kok Thom demining site.
 Laxanachantorn Laohaphan, Ambassador of Thailand to the United Nations in Geneva, detonates a mine.
 Delegates participating in the field visit included 1997 Nobel Peace Prize Co-Laureate Jody Williams (right), along with the ICBL's Steve Goose (centre) and Gustavo Laurie of the United Nations Mine Action Service (left).