IntroductionDuring the meeting of the Standing Committee of Experts (SCE) on Victim Assistance, Socio-economic Re-integration and Mines Awareness (VA), held in Geneva in September 1999, an informal proposal was developed as a first step in asking State Parties to address voluntarily the issue of reporting on their contributions to Victim Assistance and Mine Awareness. As you know, there is no explicit requirement in the Mine Ban Treaty for countries to report on their contributions to Victim Assistance and Mine Awareness, even though the Treaty does require, in Article 6 section 3, that “Each state in a position to do so shall provide assistance for the care and the rehabilitation, and social and economic reintegration, of mine victims and for mine awareness programs.” The response to the informal proposal was to designate Victim Assistance Reporting as a Network Group. The mandate of the Network Group is to propose a voluntary reporting mechanism, to be discussed at the VA ISCE in March 2000. Objectives- To create the possibility for both mine affected and non-mine affected State Parties to report annually on their efforts required under Article 6 section 3 of the Treaty. Efforts can be contributions in kind, in action or financial.
- To get the largest possible number of annual reports on a voluntary basis.
- To make the national reports easily accessible to the other State parties and to the public.
- Not to duplicate other existing reporting forms.
RecommendationsIn order to meet the objectives, a draft reporting form has been prepared. It is short, it proposes open questions that introduce the relevant components for Victim Assistance and Mine Awareness, and is suitable for narrative and / or financial reporting. The draft Reporting can be copied from the web site of the GICHD ( An organisation would take up the reception, the processing and the publication of the reports, on a web site. The Network Group has made a formal request to the WHO to know if they would be prepared to take on these tasks, would the State parties decide to establish such a reporting procedure. The reporting periods could be similar to the Article 7 requirements. State parties would do the reporting at their own expenses. * * * * * Draft 12/01/2000 : Reporting form on Victim assistance and on Mine awarenessCONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE, STOCKPILING AND TRANSFER OF ANTIPERSONNEL MINES AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION Reporting Format on Victim Assistance STATE [PARTY]…….……………………………………………………………………………. DATE OF SUBMISSION …………………………………………………………………………. POINT OF CONTACT Institution…….……………………… Contact person……………………………………. Address, telephones, fax, emailONLY FOR PURPOSES OF CLARIFICATION Form A International co-operation and assistanceArticle 6.3. “Each state in a position to do so shall provide assistance for the care and rehabilitation, and social and economic reintegration of mine victims”. State [party]……………………………………….Reporting for time period……………………to…………… Institutions responsible for the international co-operation and assistance on Victim assistanceName of the institution | POINT OF CONTACT. Contact person, address, telephones, fax, email | . . |
| What has been done by state (X) in the field of assistance ?To support Pre-hospital care (First Aid and management of injuries) | To support Hospital Care (Medical care, Surgery, Pain management) . |
To support rehabilitation (Physiotherapy, Prosthetics appliances and assistive devices, Psychological support) . | To support social and economic Reintegration ( Associations, s kills and vocational training, Income generating projects, Sport) . | To support the Development of disability policy and practice ( Education and public awareness disability laws, disability national level co-ordination body ) . | To Support the establishment / development of Health and Social Welfare Surveillance and Research capacities (Collection / processing / analysis / reporting) . | Communities affected in their social and economical activities Support to Reconstruction and socio-economic development (in former mined zones) . | Support to Repatriation and resettlement (to mine cleared zones, for refugees and internally displaced persons). . |
Support to Development of legal, social, economical measures for mine and UXO affected communities. . | Mine awareness activities Support to establishment / development of Data Collection and Research capacities . | Support and/or development Mine Awareness Education activities . |