Thursday 24 June1. Opening of the meeting by the Co-ChairsThe meeting was opened by its Co-Chairs, Ambassador Carlo Trezza of Italy and Mr. Carlos Arroyave-Prera of Guatemala, with the support of its Co-Rapporteurs Ms. Rabab Fatima of Bangladesh and Mr. John MacBride of Canada. 2. Overview of the status of stockpile destructionThe Co-Chairs provided an overview of the general status of implementation of Article 4 of the Convention and called upon the Manager of the Implementation Support Unit to introduce a overview document prepared by the ISU. As well, the ICBL presented its views on progress made in destroying stockpiles.
3. Updates from relevant States Parties on the status of implementation
The Co-Chairs informed the Standing Committee that they had sent letters to relevant States Parties to invite them to present information on their national stockpile destruction programmes. Presentations were made by the following States Parties which have completed destruction programmes:
The following States Parties which are in the process of destroying stockpiled antipersonnel mines provided updates:
Nigeria noted that earlier in the week it had provided its initial Article 7 report in which it reported that it had no stockpiled antipersonnel mines. As well, the Organization of American States reported on its efforts to assist some States Parties in the Western Hemisphere in furnishing initial Article 7 reports.
In addition to updates by States Parties, one State not party - Ukraine - provided an update as did the European Commission.
4. Update on assistance and cooperation
The Co-Chairs reminded the Standing Committee that in advance of the meeting a Food-for-thought paper entitled "Getting the Job Done" had been distributed.
5. Matters of a thematic nature related to stockpile destruction
One State Party spoke on the topic of best practices in destroying stockpiled mines discovered after the end of destruction deadlines.