In the context of the European Union Council Decision 2017/1428, Uganda, with support of the Implementation Support Unit (ISU), carried out a National victim Assistance Stakeholder Dialogue on 10-11 October 2018 at the Speke Munyoyo in Kampala. Uganda, is one of 30 States Parties which has reported having responsibility for significant numbers of landmine survivors. In partnership with stakeholders, Uganda kick-started the review of its National Policy on Disability to align it with obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and victim assistance requirements under the Convention's Oslo Action Plan.
Under the banner, "Building on Progress", over 50 participants including from very remote regions, participated in the two-day Dialogue which saw the participation of relevant Ugandan authorities, national and international stakeholders including Norway, victim assistance and disability rights experts and international and non-governmental organisations, and a dozen representatives of mine survivors and persons with disabilities organisations.